Umuahia South LGA Postal Code

Umuahia South Postal Codes is 440002 to 440xxx. this Local government area is located in Abia State, South East Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.

For the complete Umuahia South postal code, we don't know it yet. If we get it, we'll update it immediately. In addition to the following information the list of Post offices in Umuahia South:

Postal Code for Umuahia South

Ekenobizi440005Umuahia SouthFacility
Old Umuahia440002Umuahia SouthFacility
Olokoro440010Umuahia SouthFacility
Ubakala440009Umuahia SouthFacility

Umuahia South Post Office
Old UmuahiaAffor Ibeji Market SquareOld Umuahia
OlokoroAhaiaukwu Market Square OlokoroOlokoro
UbakalaApumiri UbakalaApumiri

The main post offices in each region in Nigeria have postal codes ending in 0001. The lowest postal code is 100001 and the highest with a special code is 982112.

NIPOST or Nigerian Postal Service is a company owned and operated by the government of this country. The country has a total of more than 5000 post offices spread throughout the region. Find the correct ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) code or Postal Code for the postal address you need.