Edo State Postal Code

Edo State Postal Code is 300001 to 313111. The capital of this state is Benin city. This state located in South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.

For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes for Edo State, find the code along with the local government area (LGA) or location.

Postal Code For Edo State

300001G P OOredoFacility
300005Federal SecretariatIkpoba OkhaFacility
310001EkpomaEsan WestFacility
310003EwohimiEsan South EastFacility
310005EwuEsan CentralFacility
310006Ambrose Alli UniversityEsan WestFacility
311001UromiEsan North EastFacility
311002UbiajaEsan North EastFacility
311003IruekpenEsan WestFacility
311004IrruaEsan CentralFacility
312001AuchiEtsako WestFacility
312002UzairueEtsako WestFacility
312003AgenebodeEtsako WestFacility
312004AgbedeEtsako WestFacility
312006FugarEtsako CentralFacility
313001AfuzeOwan EastFacility
313002Sabogida OraOwan WestFacility
313003SobeOwan WestFacility

Edo State Postal Code Maps

Postcode by L.G.A

The list of Edo State Postal Code or ZIP Code by Local Government Area (LGA)

Akoko-Edo312114 - 312123
Esan Central310112 - 310120
Esan North-East311115 - 311116
Esan South-East311101 - 311114
Esan West310101 - 310108
Etsako Central312108 - 312113
Etsako East312107
Etsako West312101 - 312106
Igueben310109 - 310111
Ikpoba-Okha300104 - 300105
Oredo 300102 - 300283
Orhionmwon301101 - 301106
Ovia North-East302110 - 302121
Ovia South-West302101 - 302109
Owan East313101 - 313108
Owan West313109 - 313111
Uhunmwonde301107 - 301115

Post Office

BeninNo.1 Airport Road, BeninCityBeninOredo
AkpakpavaNo. 1, Akpakpava Road, Benin CityBeninOredo
UgbowoUselu-Lagos Road, Opposite Uniben, Benin CityEgorEgor
EhorUhunmwode LG Community Hall, EhorEhorUhunmwonde
OlogboAkenzuwa II Road, Opp. Enogie Palace, Old Road, OlogboOlogboIkpoba
Abudu52, Old Benin-Lagos, Asaba RoadAbuduOrhionwon
IgbankePost Office Road, IgbankeIgbankeOrhionwon
SobeOld Akure Road, Along Mission Road, SobeSobeEtsako West
OkadaMission Road by Estate Gate, OkadaOkadaOvia North - East
OgidaIgbinaduwa Road, Off Siluko Road, Benin CityBeninEgor
Fed. SecretariatAlong Aduwawa Auchi Express WayBeninIkpoba-okha
Auchi PolytechnicInside Auchi Polytechnic Campus, AuchiAuchiEtsako West
Sapele RdBenin/Sapele Road Benin CityBeninIkpoba Okha
Auchi2, Otaru Road, GRA By Igarra Junction, AuchiAuchiEtsako West
Agenebode1, Mission Road, Eguare, AgenebodeAgenebodeEtsako East
Igarra5, Secretariat Road, IgarraIgarraAkoko - Edo
AgbedeRoyal Court Old Auchi Road, AgbedeAgbedeEtsako West
Uzairue3, Old Elete Road, Jattu, UzairueUzairueEtsako West
FugarMike Ogiadomhe Road, FugarFugarEtsako Central
Sabongida-Ora3 Commercial/Post Office Roadsabongida-oraOvia South - West
Okpella24 Market Road, OkpellaOkpellaEtsako Central
Afuze25, Afuze-Auchi Road, Opp Unity Bank AfuzeAfuzeOvia South - West
IyakpiSide of Central Mosque, IyakpiAuchiEtsako West
Ekpoma74, Royal Market Road, Opposite Royal Palace, EkpomaEkpomaEsan West
Uromi2, Eguare Mission RoadUromiEsan North - East
Ubiaja18 Central Road, GRA Commercial RoadUbiajaEsan South - East
Irueekpen1, Round About Square Market Road JunctionIruekpenEsan West
Irrua63 Benin/Auchi Express Road, IrruaIrruaEsan Central
Ewu3 Royal Palace Market Road EguareEwuEsan Central
Igueben2, Palace Junction Road/King Square IguebenIguebenIgueben
Ebelle2, Royal Market Road/Palace EguareEbelleIgueben
Ewohimi1 Eguare Road, Opp Palace EwohimiEwohimiEsan South - East
Ambrose Alli University P.OInside A.A.U. Campus By Old Bus StopAmbroseEsan West

The main post offices in each region in Nigeria have postal codes ending in 0001. The lowest postal code is 100001 and the highest with a special code is 982112.

NIPOST or Nigerian Postal Service is a company owned and operated by the government of this country. The country has a total of more than 5000 post offices spread throughout the region. Find the correct ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) code or Postal Code for the postal address you need.