Okigwe Town Postal Codes is 470211 to 470283. This town is located in Okigwe LGA, Imo State, South East Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Okigwe city, find the code along with the area and location.
Area List
Okigwe City ZIP Codes
- Agiriga
- Agiriga Rd.470211
- Awka St.470211
- Dr. Friday Eze St.470211
- Francis Nwokedi St.470211
- General Hospital470211
- Methodist Church470211
- Nigerian Prisons470211
- Okigwe Main Market470211
- Owerri Rd.470211
- German Hill
- Eke Agbara Rd.470281
- Eke Okigwe Mkt Sq.470281
- German Hill470281
- MCC470281
- Mereni St.470281
- Owerri Rd.470281
- Total Filling Station470281
- Umuezegem470281
- Industrial Area
- Abo Umulolo Village470213
- Fed. Mins Of Works470213
- Fed. Road Safety .470213
- Osondu Bottling Co.470213
- Owerri Rd.470213
- Texaco Filling Station470213
- Mechanic Village
- Mechanic Village- A to F Rd.470283
- Owerri Rd.470283
- Timber Shed470283
- Ndiakwaeke
- Eke Agbara Rd.470282
- Elezuo St.470282
- Gariki Rd.470282
- Ikpa Eke Rd.470282
- Ndiakwaeke470282
- Obata St.470282
- Ogbonna St.470282
- Okpara Rd.470282
- Osita Chuks Estate470282
- Owerri Rd.470282
- Rigo Hotel470282
- Uba St.470282
- Umuezegem Rd.470282
- Umuka Rd.470282
- Union Bank470282
- Rev. Mann
- Rev. Mann Ave.470271
- Ubahu
- Aba St.470212
- Agiriga Rd.470212
- Arochukwu St.470212
- Bende St.470212
- FGC470212
- Holly Wood470212
- Igwegbe St.470212
- Ike Rd.470212
- Imo Hotels470212
- Kano St.470212
- Low Cost Housing470212
- NEPA470212
- Owerri Rd.470212
- Progress Bank470212
- Ubahu Rd.470212
- Umuchima Rd.470212
- Umuduga Rd.470212
- Umuegem Rd.470212
Postal Code
Imo Other Codes