Jos North Postal Codes is 930105 - 930281 and Facility codes is 930001 - 940006. This local government area is located in Plateau State, North Central Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Jos North LGA (State Capital), find the code along with the district or place.
District | Postcode | LGA | State | Type |
Gwong | 930105 | Jos North | Plateau | Rural |
Jos Town | 930211 - 930281 | Jos North | Plateau | Urban |
GPO | 930001 | Jos North | Plateau | Facility |
Jos North | 930004 | Jos North | Plateau | Facility |
Jos Town | 930002 | Jos North | Plateau | Facility |
University of Jos | 930003 | Jos North | Plateau | Facility |
Zaria Rd. | 940006 | Jos North | Plateau | Facility |

- Gwong
- Babale930105
- Dong930105
- Fudawa930105
- Furaka930105
- Gwafan930105
- Gwash930105
- Jos Jarawa930105
- Kabong930105
- Larantos930105
- Nabgar930105
- Nabor930105
- Nagohom930105
- Naraguta930105
- Nassarawa A930105
- Nupkis930105
- Rigiza930105
- Rusau930105
- T/Wada930105
- Targwong930105
- Zakaliyo930105
- Zangam930105
- Zangan930105
- Jos Town (Capital)
- Alheri / Utan930212
- Anglo Jos930253
- Apata/Seminary/Katako930211
- Bukuru930281
- Dadin Kowa / Kuffang930272
- Dogon Agogo/Sabon Pegi930221
- Gangare / Dilimi930241
- Giring/Dogon Karfe930251
- Janta930213
- Kabong930281
- Liberty Dam/British America930242
- NIPOST G.P.O / C.B.N930262
- Rayfied Mai Adiko930252
- Rikkos/ Nassarawa930232
- Township Stadium930214
- Tudun Wada / Secretariat /Hwolshe930271
- Unijos/ Unguwan Rogo/Kwararafa/Kasuwan Nama930222
- Zological Garden/House of Assembly930261